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The Phi-Psi Zeta Alumni Association
All members in good standing of the undergraduate chapter automatically gain membership in the Alumni Association upon graduation or departure from Truman State University.
The Association, which is dedicated to encouraging lifelong membership in Lambda Chi Alpha, meets twice a year to conduct formal business.  These meetings correspond with the Reach the Beach alumni gathering each April and Truman State University Homecoming each October.  All members of the Alumni Association and undergraduate chapter are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings during which the Association handles most of regular business, including the development and coordination of alumni events and services for the coming year.

Alumni News and Notes
There are no notes to display at the current time.

The Foundation - Alumni Newsletter
The Foundation for March 2011 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for March 2009 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for March 2008 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for October 2007 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for February 2007 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for October 2004 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for December 2003 [Adobe PDF Format]
The Foundation for August 2003 [Adobe PDF Format]

Meeting Minutes
Minutes from April 2010 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from April 2008 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from April 2007 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from October 2006 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from October 2005 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from October 2004 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from October 2000 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from April 2000 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from October 1999 [Adobe PDF Format]
Minutes from April 1999 [Adobe PDF Format]

Current Officers: (click name to contact)

Position Open

Position Open

Position Open

Position Open

Alumni Directors

High Pi (ex officio)
High Alpha (ex officio)
High Tau (ex officio)
High Rho (ex officio)

Alumni In
Good Standing:

Jacob Ackermann
Joseph Ackermann
Kevin Adkins
John Ahlers
Brian Anderson
Jared Anderson
Winsor Apenbrinck
Ian Arndt
Nathan Artz
Nathan Arunski
Joe Ascheman
Kellen Ashford
Kenneth Atchison
Daniel Aten
Luke Aten
Ryan Atkinson
Mark Babb
Christopher Bach
Brian Bacon
Thaddeus Baker
Eric Balsman
Richard Bambenek
Jochen Banasch
Mark Banville
Christopher Barreca
Phillip Barreca
Patrick Barron
Dane Batson
Eric Baumer
Andrew Bax
Justin Baylark
David Becker
Michael Behrens
William Beine
Nathan Bell
Steven Bell
Daniel Bellavia
Damon Berardi
Balla Berete
Douglas Berry
Chris Bersted
Ryan Bertels
Akash Bhalla
Adam Bichsel
Stephen Bilderback
Robert Binsbacher
Brian Bird
William Bishop
Nick Blackburn
Cory Blackwood
Dylan Blake
Kevin Bley
Eric Blinkinsop
Thomas Bloomfield
Ryan Bobb
Gene Boesch
Benjamin Bohling
Terry Boling
Patrick Bommarito
Craig Borgmeyer
Joseph Bossi
Aric Boyce
Colton Boyles
Lucas Brass
Matthew Braun
Russell Bray
Jeremy Bright
Christopher Brink
Daniel Brink
Michael Brink
David Brooks
Jeffrey Brown
Richard Brown
Timothy Brown
Ryan Brueckmann
Jacob Bruning
Brian Buddenhagen
Mark Buethe
Thomas Burchell
Shelby Burget
James Burnette
Jeffrey Burrows
Jose Calderon
Matthew Calvin
Christopher Cannon
Kenny Capps
Matthew Carlyle
James Carnegie
Bryan Cernicek
Lucas Chaney
Eric Chavez
Nick Chitwood
David Choate
Philip Christofferson
Ryan Clanahan
Brenden Clark
Hollice Clark
Robert Clark
Nicholas Clements
Kevin Clohessy
Brian Coady
Andrew Cochran
John Jack Cochran
Brian Cockrill
William Cockrill
Vincent Colletti
Grant Collins
Charles Collis
John Comfort
Jim Conneely
Troy Cox
Brian Crawford
Rusty Creed
Thomas Crews
Christopher Crocker
Alexander Cross
Andrew Cross
Brian Cross
Mitchell Cross
Russell Cross
Joseph Curry
William Curtis
Todd Czarnecki
Robin Dahle
Bryan Daniels
Richard Davenport
Sheldon Davids
Robert Davidson
Joshua Davis
Kevin Davis
Michael Davis
Norris Davis
Brian Day
Gregory Day
Michael Day
Eric Dearmont
Anthony DeGraffenreid
Timothy Deidrick
Mark Dekeersgieter
Paul Dekeersgieter
Andrew Denny
Gregory Depp
Patrick Dierkes
Christopher Dirie
Matthew Dittmeier
James Dixson
Michael Dobbins
Eric Dodson
Gregory Doering
Gene Doerr
Bradley Dohack
Michael Doherty
Daniel Dolan
Kevin Doll
Keith Donaldson
Kent Donaldson
Ryan Donaldson
Brendan Donelon
Kevin Donohue
Brian Dooley
Craig Dooley
Daniel Doucette
Sean Dougherty
Thomas Drabelle
Peter Eatherton
Layne Ebers
Daniel Eckert
Matthew Eder
Johnathan Edwards
Daniel Eilering
Michael Eitel
Mark Eldridge
John Ellis
John Elvert
Mark England
Robert Enochs
William Enochs
Gerard Erker
William Erker
Adam Etchason
Mark Etchason
Blake Eyres
Paul Fagyal
Bruce Farabee
Stephen Farabee
Joseph Farley
John Fausz
Michael Favazza
Jordan Feigenbaum
Michael Feller
Patrick Felling
Ryan Felling
Paul Fensterman
Willard Ferrari
Kyle Fieleke
Brian Finlay
Max Finnegan
Patrick Finney
David Fischbach
Courtney Fischer
Daniel Fitzgerald
Todd Flanders
James Flath
David Flatjord
Maurice Flemming
Frank Flesch
Ryan Fletcher
James Ford
Justin Fowler
Justin Fox
Alex Francisco
William Franke
Garrett Fritch
Kelly Galster
Aaron Gang
Joel Geders
Andrew Gensler
Timothy Gerler
Nathan Gibson
Terry Gloriod
Timothy Glover
Joe Goedde
Matthew Gordon
Matthew Gorman
Matthew Gorton
Michael Graff
Brian Graham
Benjamin Greer
Grant Gregory
Nicholas Greiner
Christopher Greufe
Logan Griesemer
David Groff
Jeffrey Gronniger
Nathan Grosse
Brian Grotewiel
Justin Grout
Ryan Grout
Michael Gullickson
Scott Haarmann
Kevin Hall
Mark Hall
Matthew Hall
Michael Halterman
Timothy Hanrahan
Andy Hansen
Thomas Harland
Eric Harper
Blake Harris
Chad Harris
Jason Harris
Daniel Hartmann
Kyle Hartnett
Brian Healy
Michael Heeter
James Heidenreich
Drew Heilman
Bradley Hellwig
Marcel Helmich
Omar Henaidy
Brett Henderson
Jeffrey Henson
Richard Hermann
Roger Herteen
David Hill
Todd Hirner
Khristopher Hisle
Andrew Hodges
Nathan Hoffman
Christopher Hoffmeister
Jonathan Holden
Michael Holdmeyer
Matthew Hollingshead
Michael Holloway
Aaron Horschig
Kevin Hoshaw
Aaron Hotfelder
Theodore Hotfelder
John Howard
Eric Howell
Jeffrey Hoyt
Daniel Hubbard
Joshua Hubbard
Matthew Hughes
Kyle Hugo
Michael Hunn
Bryan Hunt
Christopher Hurst
Thomas Huse
John Hussey
Kenneth Hussey
Justin Iske
Matthew Iske
Chad Ittner
Jeff Jackman
Derek Jackson
John Jackson
Michael Jackson
Matthew Jarvis
Alvin Jennings
Paul Jennings
Jason Jetmore
Todd Jirsa
Jared Johnson
Michael Johnson
Steven Johnson
Patrick Jones
Ryan Jones
Mark Kadlec
Kyle Kahlenberg
Matthew Kahn
Ben Karlson
Christopher Kehlenbrink
Scott Keifer
Robert Keller
Robert Kelley
Brian Kelly
Chad Kerksick
Douglas Kerr
Nathaniel Kessen
Wesley Kinerk
Matthew Kingston
Matthew Kinsella
Jacob Kirchner
Ryan Kirchner
Christopher Kiser
Jeffrey Kitsmiller
Mitchell Knapp
Timothy Knopf
James Knowles
Brian Koenen
Thomas Kokoska
David Kolwyck
Keith Konradi
Steven Konradi
Wilfred Krenn
Matthew Krob
Brent Krueger
Brian Krupich
Keith Kuetemann
Scott Kurinsky
David Kuschel
Jarod LaFrenz
Brandon LaMar
Jason Lammert
Michael Landrum
Craig Lanio
Vince LaRossa
Judd Lasher
Jeff Lashley
William Latimer
Eric Laverentz
James Layne
Van Le
Dennis Lehenbauer
Dave Lehner
Daniel Lewis
Zachary Lickerman
David Lightner
Joshua Little
Jeremy Livingston
Andrew Loehr
Gregory Long
Loren Love
Robert Love
Christopher Lucas
Patrick Luecke
Thomas Luft
Michael Lupa
Brian Lux
Brad MacLaughlin
Joshua Madden
Michael Magill-Collins
Thomas Magnani
Kuza Makano
Adam Malcolm
Lance Mallette
Eric Mann
Mark Manning
Mike Manougian
Kirt Manuel
Michael Maroney
Craig Martin
Eric Martin
James Martin
Phillip Martin
Michael Martinez
Jay Marvin
Scott Maschmann
Brock Mashburn
Mark Massey
John Matson
Steven Mauchenheimer
Michael Mauger
Eric Maze
Patrick McCammon
Travis McCubbin
Ryan McCune
Thomas McDonald
Ryan McDowell
Peter McEvoy
Ryan McGuire
Shawn McGuire
Trevor McLouth
John McMenamy
Zachary McPherson
Kenneth Meder
Aalap Mehta
John Melvin
James Meyer
Merrick Meyer
Brian Meyers
Kevin Meyers
Martin Michael
James Miller
Paul Miller
Todd Miller
William Mills
Christopher Mitchell
John Monroe
Mark Monroe
Storm Monroe
Thomas Moody
James Moore
Damon Morris
David Morris
Michael Morris
James Mueller
Michael Mueller
Andrew Mullen
Joshua Murphy
Jason Murray
Dennis Musick
David Myers
Ryan Myers
Joshua Naglich
Thomas Nagy
Michael Nahm
Russel Neale
Brent Nelson
Derik Nelson
Peter Newhouse
Jonathan Newton
Bryan Nicholson
Matthew Nicoletta
Dax Nieders
Blake Niemann
Brett Niemann
VaSean Nixon
Colin O'Brien
Sean O'Brien
Brian O''Connor
David Oliver
Steven O'Neal
Michael Orskog
Julio Otero
Matthew Over
Paul Padberg
David Pagano
Paul Pagano
Gary Pagliai
John Palazzolo
Sean Parker
Joseph Parsons
George Pattison
Nathan Peabody
Aaron Pearson
Lance Perkins
Nicholas Perotta
David Perry
Robert Peters
Joshua Peterson
Tysen Petre
Jacob Pfeuffer
Travis Phipps
Kyle Pierce
Conor Pitkin
Tyler Poe
Kevin Poortinga
Matthew Potter
Brenton Povis
Benjamin Powell
Thad Prososki
Nicholas Qualls
Thomas Qualls
Mike Rapken
Eric Reckamp
Jordan Reed
Leonard Reed
Thomas Reid
Zach Reineri
David Reinhardt
Patrick Rembecki
Dan Rettke
Andrew Revell
Jerry Revenaugh
Damon Reynolds
Tyler Ribbing
Daniel Richards
Steven Richmond
Isaac Rickert
Christopher Riechers
Richard Riley
David Rinderknecht
Paul Robbins
Joshua Roberts
Robin Roberts
Jeffrey Rodenburg
Chris Roland
James Rosenberger
Richard Ross
Christian Rost
Eric Rotert
Brian Roth
Leonard Rothermich
John Rothfusz
Matt Rucker
Scott Rudel
Daniel Rueth
Joseph Ruggeri
Brian Ruiz
Patrick Runnels
Ryan Russell
Michael Russo
Timothy Russo
Michael Rybak
Charles Salassa
Stephen Salem
Neil Salsich
Maximiliano Sanchez
David Sanders
Thomas Satterly
Jeffrey Schafers
Ty Scheske
Jacob Schieber
Kenneth Schiermeyer
Michael Schlehuber
Jason Schmidt
Matthew Schmidt
Tyler Schmitt
Daniel Schneider
Mark Schneider
Daniel Schoenekase
William Schorg
Tyler Schrader
Christopher Schranck
Christopher Schrankler
Thad Schuler
Timothy Schuler
Chris Schulte
Andrew Schumert
Daniel Schurwan
Patrick Schwarz
Steve Schwarz
Zach Scott
Scott Seidler
Wesley Seidt
James Sellers
John Sept
Justin Sevier
Matthew Seydel
Fredric Shaffer
Gregory Shelton
Michael Shelton
Dewey Shepard
Jon Shepard
Joshua Sherman
Scott Shipers
James Shipp
Andy Shirkey
Lucas Signorelli
Tyler Sigrist
Paul Simmons
John Siwinski
Michael Siwinski
John Skevington
Adam Sleight
Randolph Sloup
Darren Smith
Michael Smith
Robert Smith
Vincent Smith
Richard Smolczyk
Daniel Snyder
Joseph Soetaert
Daniel Spears
Raymel Speed
Tyler Spiegel
Shawn Spindel
Andrew Spreitler
Nathan Stacey
Dirk Stallman
James Stanton
Chris Steffe
Josh Steuterman
Brandon Stewart
Douglas Stewart
Kevin Stock
Joshua Stockstill
Gregory Stolzer
Tony Stone
Charles Streb
Zachary Strohm
David Stulac
Thomas Sullivan
Craig Tallman
William Taylor
Nathan Tennant
Jeremy Tessler
Donald Thomas
Gary Thomas
Larry Thomas
Brian Thompson
Ryan Tichenor
Mark Tolen
David Tompkins
John Treiber
Keith Trivitt
William Trokey
Michael Trombly
Kevin Tulipana
Joseph Tullman
James Underhill
Nathan Underhill
Kyle Unger
Justin Urbanowicz
Bob Valbracat
Nate Varel
Peter Vaughn
Andrew Vien
John Vieth
Eduardo Vigil
Douglas Villhard
Chris Vogt
John Vogt
William Waeckerle
Shane Walker
Adam Watson
Justin Weinrich
Matthew Welge
Bernard Wendeln
Bob Westhues
Patrick Weston
Michael Whipkey
Ryan White
Christopher Wiedmeyer
Ryan Wiedmeyer
Keith Wilcox
Steven Wilhusen
Rhett Wilkerson
Mark Willard
Daniel Williams
Donny Williams
Nathaniel Williams
Bradley Wilson
Chris Wilson
Christopher Wilson
Rolland Wimberley
Matthew Winkle
Christopher Wirtel
Richard Wischmeyer
Mark Wissel
James Witt
Christopher Wittenauer
Andrew Witvoet
Robert Wood
Steven Wood
Ross Woody
Thaddeus Woosley
Michael Wunderlich
Jason Yeager
Bradley Zaffiri
Todd Zimmerman
Dylan Zini

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